Gentrification: Taking Advantage of Redlining Part 1

Grade:11th grade
Subject: U.S History/Geography
Arizona History and Social Science Standards
- HS.G3.2 Evaluate the impact of economic activities and political decisions on spatial patterns within and among urban, suburban, and rural regions.
- HS.G3.5 Evaluate the impact of social, political, and economic decisions that have caused conflict or promoted cooperation throughout time.
National Council for Social Studies Standards
- Geography Theme 3: People, Places, and the Environments
- Assist learners to analyze the spatial information about people, places, and environments on Earth’s surface.
- Enable learners to describe the processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement.
- Challenge learners to examine how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth’s surface.
Learning for Social Justice Standards
- JU.9-12.12 I can recognize, describe and distinguish unfairness and injustice at different levels of society.
- JU.9-12.15 I can identify figures, groups, events and a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to the history of social justice around the world.
- Students will be able to
- define gentrification and identify the economic, social, and political processes involved in gentrification.
- evaluate how gentrification impacts spatial patterns and land use.
- identify and assess gentrification’s relationship to conflict and cooperation.
Guiding Questions:
- What are the economic, social, and political processes involved in gentrification?
- How do the economic, social, and political processes in gentrification affect how the land is used and who has access?
- How does gentrification contribute to conflict and/or cooperation?
- Use students’ maps of gentrification and answers to questions about viewpoints of gentrification to assess their understanding.
Prior learning:
- Students will have already studied the relationship between the New Deal and redlining.
- Street map of Southside and La Plaza Vieja Neighborhoods
- Two graphic organizers
- Three videos
- “Gentrification Explained”
- “What It’s Like to Get Kicked Out of Your Neighborhood”
- Oral history video on the gentrification in Southside and La Plaza Vieja
- Large pieces of paper for students to map what they know
Differentiation Strategies:
- Allow students to work in small, teacher-led groups during guided practice.
- Provide students with discussion questions before discussion time.
Cross-Curriculum Connections:
- Students could complete an activity comparing subprime mortgage payments and low-interest rate mortgage payments to understand the long-term costs of subprime lending.
- Arrange for students to interview people with historical connections to the neighborhood to learn more about conflict and cooperation in the context of gentrification.
Total time: 60 minutes
Activating Background Knowledge: (5 minutes)
- Project the Street Map of Southside and La Plaza Vieja on the board.
- Instruct students to describe what Southside and La Plaza Vieja are like today.
- Students could write lists, complete freewriting, or draw to describe the neighborhoods.
- Ask students to form pairs and identify processes or choices that influenced the current state of the neighborhoods compared to them being historically African American and Mexican neighborhoods.
- Invite students to share their answers about processes or choices that influenced the current state of these historic neighborhoods.
Presenting New Information/Explicit Teaching: (25 minutes)
- Review the Viewing Guide for “Gentrification Explained” with students before watching the video.
- Explain that the first box will be filled with information in the definition projected in the video.
- Explain that students will discuss the following questions after they watch the video:
- What is gentrification?
- What are some economic, social, and political processes involved in gentrification?
- Show the video “Gentrification Explained” (7:30 minutes).
- Encourage students to share their viewing guides in pairs.
- Engage students in a class discussion based on the following questions:
- What is gentrification?
- What are some economic, social, and political processes involved in gentrification?
- Explain to students that they will watch two more videos to identify different stakeholders involved in gentrification as well as areas of conflict and cooperation among stakeholders.
- Define stakeholders and brainstorm stakeholders involved in education.
- A stakeholder can affect or is affected by a particular effort.
- Model filling out the graphic organizer for Mapping Stakeholder Relationships in the context of education:
- Students, teachers, families, staff, administrators, businesses, policymakers, etc.
- Brainstorm potential areas of conflict and cooperation within education.
- Tell students to fill out the graphic organizer Mapping Stakeholder Relationships while watching the following videos:
- “What It’s Like to Get Kicked Out of Your Neighborhood” (6:22 minutes)
- Oral history video on the gentrification in Southside and La Plaza Vieja
- Invite students to share their graphic organizers in pairs or small groups.
Guided Practice: (15 minutes)
- Guide students to individually map what they learned about gentrification on a large paper.
- Encourage students to use words and images to map out what they know about gentrification regarding:
- It’s definition
- Economic, social, and political processes involved
- Different perspectives on gentrification
- Encourage students to use words and images to map out what they know about gentrification regarding:
- Explain to students that they need to write a description on their map that answers the questions:
- What’s the story of gentrification from a bird’s-eye view?
- What are the pieces and how are they related?
- What’s the story of gentrification from a bird’s-eye view?
Independent Practice: (10 minutes)
- Instruct students to answer the following questions on the back of their map:
- What is the human story of gentrification from a street-level view? How are people positively or negatively affected by gentrification?
- What is gentrification’s relationship to conflict and cooperation among stakeholders?
- What is unjust about gentrification and why?
- Where do you stand with gentrification from a personal view?
- What assumptions, interests, or personal circumstances shape how you see gentrification?
- What are some ways you can get involved with strategies to address gentrification?
- Consider any committees, organizations, or groups involved with strategies to address gentrification.
- What is the human story of gentrification from a street-level view? How are people positively or negatively affected by gentrification?
Reflection: (5 minutes)
- Ask students to complete an exit ticket that addresses the following:
- Choose one of the economic, social, or political processes of gentrification to describe how that process affects how land is used and who has access to the land.
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